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China's first automotive lightweight advanced composite technology center settled in Changshu, Jiangsu (Figure)
Date: 2017/11/30

  Germany's top Academy of Applied Sciences for China Hengrui open car lightweight development platform to run. July 10, China Hengrui Co., Ltd. and Changshu National High-tech Industrial Development Zone signed an agreement to finalize by the carbon fiber composite products industry leader China Hengrui Corporation (Hengrui Corporation) and the world's leading application of scientific research institutions in Germany The first and only China-based Advanced Composite Technology Center (CAGR) developed by Fraunhofer ICT, a subsidiary of the Lawenhofer Institute, and the largest research center in Asia focusing on vehicle light weight reduction (ACTC) Center, tentative) settled in Changshu National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone. The establishment of this center marks the first time Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology in China landed in China. It will directly bring the mature R & D results of carbon fiber composite materials in Europe into China and lead the research and application of Chinese composites New heights.

  Mr. Gu Yongtao, President of China Hengrui Co., Ltd. (left) and Mr. Gu Zhiqiang, Director General of China Merchants for Changshu National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (right), signed the agreement of settling in with the testimony of guests

     Mr. Gu Yongtao, President of China Hengrui Co., Ltd. (center) Mr. Shen Yiping (third from right), member of Standing Committee of Changshu Municipal Committee, vice secretary of Party Working Committee and vice chairman of NDRC

  The planned ACTC R & D Center has a total investment of 15 million euros in pre-equipment and a total R & D and office space of more than 8,000 square meters. It is expected to be put into operation in 2018 and will be specialized in the systematization of applied science and technology in the light weight field of automotive carbon fiber composite materials the study. Initially around the resin transfer molding, wet molding technology, thermosetting prepreg technology, thermoplastic unidirectional tape processing technology, thermoplastic and thermosetting composite materials, injection molding and molding technology and other fields. Through the development of new materials, technology, technology and equipment, a number of high-end scientific research achievements and patents covering product design, simulation analysis, tool and die design, process design, batch production and automated production equipment are obtained. For a time marketization, reduce the overall cost of ecological use for automobile enterprises and enhance the core technology competitiveness.

  In the field of professional and technical personnel, the team of experts from Germany's top composites from Fraunhofer will be permanently stationed and a long-term training program will be set up to train a large number of cutting-edge technology R & D personnel in the field of automotive composites in China. At the same time, we will select the best qualified personnel in the composite materials industry, materials industry and light materials application field in the world to meet the needs of the future technology center. With the gradual maturity of the operation of the technology center, we will gradually improve our local expertise Staff ratio.

  First in China, Asia's largest automotive lightweight composite technology center (renderings)

  Return to the local community to create an open and lightweight research and development platform

  Upon completion, R & D Center will follow the development path of domestic automobile industry and follow the development path of "introduction-digestion-absorption-innovation" and devote itself to serving local enterprises in China so as to create an open automotive lightweight research and development platform. The Center will help automakers and component suppliers to systematically develop carbon fiber composite components in the light weight field and provide light weight and mass production technologies and solutions to meet the stringent energy saving and emission reduction era 's arrival

  After the completion of ACTC R & D Center will provide, including carbon material sheet molding, wet molding, high pressure - resin transfer molding process, compression - resin transfer molding process, automatic tape forming, fast prepreg, thermosetting resin injection molding Technology and other advanced technology. The team of top Sino-German composites professionals will work on technology development and product research and development according to the needs of potential domestic customers. At the same time, the performance of the product will be predicted through simulation and will be continuously optimized and tested to achieve the final product manufacturing. Seamless integration of technology and actual production, ACTC R & D Center will play the role of a bridge between experimental trial production and industrial manufacturing and will gradually become a pillar of the industrial application of lightweight technology in China. The company is located in:

  Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology in the integration of resources has a wealth of practical experience in recent years on the Chinese market conducted in-depth research and thorough analysis. In the future, China Hengrui, Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology and customers will use ACTC R & D Center to develop cooperation models and specific products to communicate technology and business more effectively so as to amplify the industry linkage effect and accelerate The purpose of localization of key technologies of new energy vehicles.

  Days, the car lightweight is imperative

  The "Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan" promulgated by the Chinese government stipulates that the average fuel consumption of new cars will drop to 5.0 liters / 100 kilometers by 2020, and the fuel consumption of energy-saving vehicles will drop below 4.5 liters / 100 kilometers . The major automobile manufacturers are aware that the key to accomplish this indicator is the lightweight car, the use of lighter components and advanced materials in the production, and is actively looking for solutions. At present, the worldwide use of composite materials accounts for less than 10% of the body weight and a target of 18% to 20% by 2025. The biggest obstacle to entering the Chinese automotive market is the rapid mass production of carbon fiber composite materials Lack of professional skills and lack of knowledge. In addition, due to the lack of testing and production equipment, domestic enterprises interested in mass production of carbon fiber products often need to invest heavily in research and development and testing, and shipping molds and materials abroad will seriously delay the project development time.

  In the international automobile market, the listing of carbon fiber vehicles such as BMW and Porsche has led to the research and attempt of application of international automotive composite materials. Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology in the 10 years ago began composite materials, molding processes and other aspects of research and development work. In recent years, based on past experience, its research and development direction tends to product design and simulation technology development, and remains highly concerned with the real needs of customers. As a result, the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology has always been at the forefront of the research on composite materials applications. The Institute has a number of successful lightweight component development projects with BMW, Porsche and others and has formed a technology alliance to create smart strategic networks in all regions through cooperation with other cutting-edge research units based on thermosetting, thermoplastic, hybrid Materials Three materials development path for the industry to provide customers with integrated solutions.

  China Hengrui from the Airbus supplier - Spain's Carbures Group (Carbures Group) the exclusive introduction of the world's most advanced international patented rapid prototyping of composite products RMCP technology and equipment, the team gathered in the country's leading master of composite materials technology , Forming technology engineering staff, with the most powerful domestic year of independent research and development and technology solutions, this year won the first car carbon fiber parts production projects and officially became the SAIC, GM, Chang'an, Geely and other well-known car supply Business, is rising rapidly for the market leader in the most powerful carbon fiber composite products.

  Geographical advantage, the regional industrial chain is gradually maturing

  Changshu National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone is located in the core area of ??the Yangtze River Delta, and is located at the golden junction of the economic belt along the Yangtze River in China and the coastal economic belt. With its unique traffic location, distinctive industrial clusters, fully-equipped carrier platform and high quality and efficient management Service, economic strength and ability to innovate in science and technology have been rapidly rising. They have been repeatedly awarded as one of the fastest growing development zones in Jiangsu Province and won three consecutively the "Most Investment Value Development Zone in the Yangtze River Delta" and were awarded "National High Technology Service industry base in the core area "," national torch auto parts industry base "and" China-made cooperation in research demonstration base "and so on.

  In recent years, Changshu National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone adheres to the principle of attracting investment and attracting talents in both directions. The two-wheel drive strategy of modern service industry and advanced manufacturing industry has taken the initiative to undertake the transfer of advanced industries and high-end projects both at home and abroad. High-end equipment manufacturing, high-end electronic information and high-tech service industries. Within the park, automobile and core components industries are accelerating molding. At present, more than 40 domestic automobile and auto parts enterprises, including Continental Motors and Toyota Motor, have been set up in the High-tech Zone, forming a comprehensive R & D center with the headquarters as the mainstay and the High-tech Zone Logistics Park as the link , A complete automobile and core component industrial cluster integrated with the research and development, production, logistics and trade of automobile and its components and parts. The establishment of the ACTC R & D Center will bring about multi-linkage between governments, enterprises, research institutes and tertiary institutions to create intelligent composite manufacturing industrial parks in east China and lead the overall upgrading of the existing automobile industrial clusters with the lead effect.

  People and coordinated development unstoppable

  When asked why he chose Hengrui as a Chinese partner, Dr. Frank Henning, vice president of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology and head of lightweight research, was overwhelmed with his statement. "China Heng Rui open, inclusive, pragmatic style, sound and long-term development strategy, the courage to try new technologies attitude, and the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology can be described as coincidental. "After several years of contact, the two sides on How to work together to market the existing technology, in the field of composite materials to effectively meet the needs of the market reached a consensus. "This cooperation will be a win-win situation. We have many common preparations for entering China's automotive lightweight market, such as technology-driven, professional-skill-driven, talent education, open-mindedness to customer needs, Therefore, the establishment of ACTC R & D Center will surely be a combination of advanced and leading. "

  Since Henyui Carbon Fiber Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Hengrui, has been established in Changshu National High-tech Zone since 2015, the preparations and daily operations have received strong support and cooperation from the park. The settlement of the ACTC R & D Center is another good practice of deep cooperation between the government and the government. It is a milestone for both China and Germany and the park and marks the entry of advanced composite materials products into the automobile and industrial industries. Quick access, saving the cost of technical communication, and fully improving the efficiency of technology docking, enabling vehicle companies and other customers to collaborate with the technology center to find solutions to overcome technical bottlenecks and limitations.

  Accelerate innovation, reduce product development costs, shorten the product development cycle and promote close cooperation and understanding between Chinese and foreign R & D teams. ACTC R & D Center is a joint effort by China Hengrui and Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology of Germany to promote the scale-up of composite products Production, to the end customer's advanced open platform. As a leading R & D center for the application and development of carbon fiber composite materials in China, the establishment of ACTC R & D Center has extensive reference to promote regional economic radiation effects, industrial transformation and upgrading, and complement each other's advantages.

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